Hi There!

I’m Emma Ewing aka Astral Emma! I’m an artist based in Indianapolis, Indiana!


Thanks for stopping by :) My name is Emma and I am a freelance artist/drawer/painter/whatever!

I’ve been running my shop full time since September 2020, and I currently work from home in my apartment. I usually paint botanical inspired artwork, but you can find me working in a variety of styles for fun! I take a lot of influence from tattoo artwork, animation, and vintage illustration!

I majored in Visual Communication Design (AKA Graphic Design) at Purdue University and graduated in spring of 2020. This year (2023) I plan on doing a drawing a lot, so you can follow along on my socials if you want to see how that’s going!

Got Something to Say?

Fill out the form below for question orders, commission requests, and anything else you might need to send! Note: Please check my FAQ page before inquiring :)